Young women in agriculture recognized by CWA with "True Grit" scholarships

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Young women in agriculture recognized by CWA with “True Grit” scholarships

Three California high school students pursuing careers in agriculture were recognized with scholarships from The North Valley Chapter of the California Women for Agriculture (CWA) and the California State University, Chico College of Agriculture. Displaying true grit, stamina and determination, these young women speak about overcoming adversity, and the passions that inspire their love of agriculture. See videos posted below.

From the College of Agriculture and California Women for Agriculture Press Release

True Grit Scholarship Winners Announced The North Valley Chapter of the California Women for Agriculture (CWA) and the California State University, Chico College of Agriculture announced the winners of the inaugural True Grit Scholarship. They are Sarah Mendonca (Chico), Erika Sos (Chico) and Linzee DeGraff (Marysville).

The scholarship opportunity was open to high school seniors throughout California who are planning to attend college within the state and major in agriculture in the coming fall. The application process consisted of a three–to four–minute digital story sharing their high school experience and what role agriculture has played in their lives. 

Funded by CWA, the True Grit Scholarship was created by CSU, Chico agriculture professor Celina Phillips to recognize the resiliency and determination that California high school students have displayed in recent years.  “Just here in Butte County, these kids have lived through the Oroville Dam crisis, the Camp Fire and now COVID-19,” Phillips said. “Students throughout the state have seen more in their young lives than most of us had by the time we graduated high school. It was inspiring to watch their videos and see their passion for agriculture and hopes for the future.” 

Sara Mendonca

Erika Sos

Linzee DeGraff