Letter: Wyoming Man opens a can of ‘whoop ass’ on Mitt Romney for conviction vote

Written by John Hoak

Big Horn, Wyoming

John Hoak of Big Horn, Wyoming is a friend of RANGE magazine. Echoing the sentiments of countless Americans across the country, John penned a letter to Senator Mitt Romney making it clear that he’s no friend of Mitt. John also makes the case that the Senator’s nauseatingly self-righteous diatribe on the Senate Floor prior to President Trump’s recent acquittal shows that the former Massachusetts governor is not only an enemy to the president, but is also an enemy to truth, impartiality, and the people of Utah.

Senator Romney: 

I am not your friend. 

I have followed your private & public careers, and watched closely your inept & disappointing failed presidential candidacy – a failure which cost the nation eight years of the most destructive presidency in our history, the divisive & damaging after-effects of which linger still. 

I have followed your political maneuverings since, including your recent decision to support impeachment of the current President, and your childish, deceitful & cowardly use of a nom de plume in anonymously criticizing the President in social media.  I reject your below explanation as characteristically fraudulent, self-serving and disrespectful. 

I am educated, knowledgeable and well informed.  I am a lifelong student and careful observer of American & international politics & governance, history, economics, business, culture and current affairs.  I studied attentively the 2019-2020 impeachment play by House democrats, and noted the role you played therein.  Your decision to side with & support the corrupt, criminal, hateful democrat vigilantes in pursuing their coup in the guise of impeachment – an illegitimate & dangerous abuse of Congressional impeachment power without credible basis or pretense of due process, based upon false & unfounded accusations, secret informers & leakers, misinformation & outright lies and nakedly-political shenanigans – was a disgraceful repudiation of your duty & responsibility as a United States Senator. 

Failing that – and I wouldn’t expect anyone with so little character and so large an ego as you to step down – I hope Utah voters will dump you ignominiously & quickly from office. 

An educated & knowledgeable man yourself, you knew very well that your vote was not justified by law, precedent, facts or truth.  Your exercise of “impartial justice”?  A ridiculous rationalization and lie … Compounding the stark legal & Constitutional incompetence & irresponsibility of your vote and your dereliction of duty, your cloaking it in faux-pious claims of service & duty to God, country and conscience simply sharpens the stench of your transparently despicable behavior and my disgust for you & concern for your poisonous presence & influence in the U.S. Senate. 

I see you as a weak, self-absorbed, small-minded flip-flop & failure; a petty, vindictive, unscrupulous man unworthy of public office or trust.  You cannot be relied on by America to recognize, let alone to serve her interests.  I cannot imagine you participating meaningfully in strengthening our nation in any way, and I certainly do not look to you for leadership of any kind on any issue.  Nevertheless, I’m not pleased to spend time & energy in writing to you – very likely a waste of time – but hope that by doing so and adding my voice to those of so many others who feel similarly, I might help to cause you to resign. 

Failing that – and I wouldn’t expect anyone with so little character and so large an ego as you to step down – I hope Utah voters will dump you ignominiously & quickly from office.  You are altogether worthy of the recall movement you have spawned among your own electorate and Utah’s other elected officials. I could have said all of this more concisely, as would many of your Utah constituents and many of us in Wyoming: Don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining.  Get the hell out.  We don’t want anything more to do with you. 

John Hoak, Big Horn, WY

Romney’s Nauseatingly Self-righteous Diatribe

About the author


  1. Romney is angry because he failed to obtain the Presidency and is using his anger to justify his own inept ability. His vote to impeach was a simple temper tantrum and that is not the behavior expected nor accepted from a US Senator. I hope Utah will expel him from office as he is not in anyway qualified. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

  2. Mitt is no conservative Republican, he’s a Nancy striker, a wannabe Pelosi RINO WHO has the empathy, honor and integrity of a turkey vulture! His diatribe of soul searching, deep faith and allegiance falls as flat as Pelosi saying she pray for Trump every day!

  3. Mitt TRAITOR Romney is worse than any Democrat… at least we know their intentions. I wish for you to spend your days alone and miserable and dwell on what a self serving POS you truly are. Your family will bare that COWARDLY family name long after your worthless azz is gone and buried.. good riddance Benedict Arnold

  4. Agree.. Mr Romney…you are a disgrace to Utah and Wyoming. Very dissappointed in your actions to serve yourself in order to disgrace President Trump. You are a disgrace


    1. I absolutely agree with this! Mitt Romney is definitely a turncoat & won’t be getting my vote ever again!

  6. Well said. I’m glad to see we still have individuals who are fighting to retain the Republic as it was originally established for the People.

  7. Mitt is right on this.

    Taxing the public for offshore funds used to then influence USA internal elections isWrong.

    Most repubs don’t understand the Obvious regarding this issue.

    Heck Trump will use yet another foriegn country to influence the 2020 USA election too.

    It’s supposed to All be about thee Best Idea.
    Not repub or demo.

    The repub Senate handled this like a flock of scared sheep. MO .

    1. I will ask you to answer 1 easy question. Do you think the Biden’s need to be investigated?

      A simple yes or no will suffice.

  8. I 100% agree!! This guy couldn’t tell the truth if he wanted. Hoping Utah dumps his phony butt and act!!

  9. I admire your ability to write a truthful and exacting statement on how many feel but lack the words to say it so well! Thank YOU for being our voice!

  10. Think that it was very well said an to the point an actually how Mitt is lying, 2 faced, TRAITOR an said EXACTLY what WE THE PEOPLE feel about him an his party of the DUMBOCRATS
    Whether you like TRUMP or not but you gotta admit that TRUMP HAS gotten unemployment down to 3.5 from 9.7 with bama an it may be like I have said AMERICA is run like a business an take a business man an not a politician to get us back to where we should be an not going SOCIALIST country, those that want a SOCIALIST country and EXTREME LEFTIST then gladly move to Venezuela.
    AMERICA has been free since our INDEPENDENCE .
    Don’t know about the rest of ya, but I like being free to do things an go where I want NO OTHER PLACE CAN YOU DO THAT AN I LOVE MY COUNTRY

    1. Mitt is right on this.

      Taxing the public for offshore funds used to then influence USA internal elections isWrong.

      Most repubs don’t understand the Obvious regarding this issue.

      Heck Trump will use yet another foriegn country to influence the 2020 USA election too.

      It’s supposed to All be about thee Best Idea.
      Not repub or demo.

      The repub Senate handled this like a flock of scared sheep. MO ….

      1. Mark Wright you must have bumped your head or you are completely ignorant of the facts of what has happened!

      2. You appear to be a person who would feel much more at home in another country…maybe Cuba, or Venezuela. Those countries already have the kind of government you seem stupid enough to embrace. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!

      3. You don’t seem to grasp it, do you? Except regurgitating what the Demonrats and lying media, a bunch of criminal traitors to the American people, you don’t come with anything new, but lies! Take comrades Peeelooosi, Chuck the Schemer, comrades Schift, Nadler, AOC, Soros, and many other traitors and get out of this country!

      4. Mark get a education them go back about 30 years and study what has happened. Then look at all the finger pointers and study their history, agendas and where their money comes from. You will find the finger pointers are accusing others of crimes they are themselves doing. Do your homework no the case.

      5. I will ask you one simple question that has a yes or no answer. Do you believe the Biden’s should be investigated?

      6. You are standing for ego flip flop self centered turn coat. Benidict Arnold was a Saint compared to Romney. He run on the republicans platform. Then tired against it and then made remarks about his church. I am more concerned about his turning against his GOD. Than I am about the republicans turn coat

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