GRASS MARCH COWBOY EXPRESS Kicks Off from the West Coast

As originally reported in an article in the Deseret News, the Grass March Cowboy Express protesting BLM actions and resource management in Nevada has left the West Coast, and is headed for Utah on its way to Washington, DC.

Screen Shot 2014-09-27 at 8.07.04 AMWe first reported on this event last month, in a Pahvant Post article re-published from the Elko Free Press explaining the basis for the actions being taken.  As reported in a Salt Lake Tribune article back in May, the original Grass March from Elko to Battle Mountain, occurred over Memorial Day weekend.

SALT LAKE CITY — A group of ranchers and their families are saddling up in protest of federal land management policies, delivering petitions and their message to Washington, D.C., in a 20-day, coast-to-coast horseback ride.

The Grass March Cowboy Express began Friday against the backdrop of a California coastal sunrise at Bodega Bay and is scheduled to cross into Utah at midweek.

“If you don’t graze it, you blaze it,” said Nevada’s Elko County Commissioner Grant Gerber. “That is why we are riding. We hope to educate the people on the issue.”

Gerber and the group specifically seek the ouster of the BLM’s Battle Mountain District Manager Doug Furtado, who they say ordered an arbitrary closure of grazing on public lands, falsely using drought as an excuse in a decision that hurts ranching families and risks the range going up in flames.

“That grass down there was 18 inches to 2 feet tall. It was a wonderful grass year,” said Gerber, who has a law practice. “But the federal government said it was drought and they have to do this.”

The ranchers appealed the land closure through the appropriate legal channels to no avail, so Gerber said they are taking their message to the streets — literally.

Screen Shot 2014-09-27 at 8.23.02 AM“We are using every element of the First Amendment. We are talking to the press, we are assembling, we are praying and we are doing everything we can to change the situation in a peaceful, legal manner,” Gerber said, adding the ride is not a “Bundy-esque” act of defiance.

“There is absolutely no civil disobedience here in any way. The BLM manager is unelected and unaccountable, and everyone wants him removed, but they can’t do it. He is sitting in a position of total control and it is tyranny. That is why our message is ‘regulation without representation is tyranny.'”

The ride, done in 5-mile relays with a goal of a 10 mph clip, will deliver a mail pouch containing petitions, letters and other documents that demonstrate the Western states’ frustration with federal land management policies on grazing, wild horses, endangered species, forest management and more.

“We think we have a good cause, which is why this is gaining so much interest,” Gerber said. “It started with one BLM manager, but the issue is much bigger. This is just a symptom of it.”

Tooele County Commission Chairman J. Bruce Clegg and his family will met Gerber and his group at the Nevada/Utah border Wednesday.

Screen Shot 2014-10-02 at 7.58.37 AM“That will probably be the fastest part of our ride when we cross the Salt Flats,” Gerber said. “We are going to be coming at a high gallop.”

The Gerber group from Nevada and Clegg’s Utah party are the core riders making the trek all the way to Washington. Other supporters join in along the way.

“We’re basically tired of the heavy-handedness of the federal government,” Clegg said. “We have our wild horse issues, our sage grouse issues and our grazing issues, to start.”

The Tooele County Commission just signed off on a petition that expresses its angst over the federal government and the sentiment that the majority of federally owned lands in Utah would be better off under state control.

“That is the best solution to all of us — let us control our own problems,” said Clegg, a fourth-generation rancher whose family first moved Tooele County dirt back in 1849.

“All of the rural commissioners in the state are pretty much united on this and feel this is a serious situation, he said. “That is what we are doing, carrying our concerns to Washington.”

After an overnight rest at Lake Point, the group will head out long before daylight Thursday morning and begin their stretch through Salt Lake City east toward Wyoming. That evening, for those not involved in the ride but who support the message, a rally is being held at 7 p.m. at the Utah State Fairpark, with a show offered by cowboy poet Waddie Mitchell.

DSCF0031_3In Salt Lake City, Clegg said he will met by Rep. Ken Ivory, R-West Jordan, the Utah lawmaker who has galvanized the political movement to gain control of certain federal lands in the West.

Ivory authored HB148, the Transfer of Public Lands Act, which passed the Utah Legislature in 2012 and was signed into law by Gov. Gary Herbert. Since then, seven other Western states have put forward similar proposals or are in some stage of developing their own. The law demands the federal government cede title to certain lands within Utah’s borders that supporters say were promised to the state when it became part of the union.

Ivory, who is organizing a meeting later in October for Western states involved in the movement, said he is not surprised to see frustration so deep it is sparking a cross-country horseback ride.

“The people who are on the ground, their way of life is being decimated,” he said. “If we do not get some more local control, I am afraid we lose our lives and livelihoods in the West.”

A copy of HB148 will be added to the pouch in Salt Lake City, as well as petitions from other rural Utah counties.

“We suspect by the time we get to Washington, we will have a dozen or more petitions. Even the counties in Kansas are getting on board without having the federal land ownership problems because they are dealing with the lesser prairie chicken,” Gerber said.

“There will be more petitions that develop. They and others are using this as an opportunity to express their frustrations over the federal government where they see overreach.”

Visit the Grass March Cowboy Express Website

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  1. God Bless our Western Cultural Heritage and Cowboys/Ranchers producers of the healthiest and safest red meat-beef in the store!

  2. Bravo! I so wish my health would allow me to participate in a more active manner. As is we lend our support though prayer. In NW Wyoming as in other areas around Yellowstone National Park, we are losing countless head of our big game herds to the illegally introduced Canadian Grey Wolf. They were NOT re-introduced as supporters say, as they were never in this area, it was a wolf about 1/2 or more smaller. We have seen our rights to hunt and enjoy the back country raped. Our ranchers have lost millions of dollars in 3 states to these predators with hands tied. Now WY has once again lost the right to manage the wolves due to a DC judge and others who don’t live here, say WY can’t manage them. Strangely, you have to buy a WY hunting license when you can hunt, not a federal license. We, too, are fed up with federal over-reach by FS and BLM employees who THINK they have legal law enforcement authority, but, in fact, don’t. We are grilled to the nth degree, if we let them, about why we are where we are, what we are doing, what we’ve seen who we saw, why we are armed. It has to stop. It is almost like we are being taken over by another, foreign government, but is is our “own”. God bless you and reward you all on your journey. You have our prayers!

  3. Way to go! RANGE magazine is behind you all the way. Heavy-handed government agencies fail to value food and fiber producers, instead listening to environmental groups that have their own agendas, including locking up lands that will prevent public access. Don’t forget the stupidity of the Endangered Species Act. Remember the spotted owl? Together the feds and environmentalists managed to close down the timber industry, which has contributed to our forests becoming a biomass just waiting for Mother Nature to strike. Forests are desperately in need of thinning, but there are few loggers to do the job. Check out RANGE’s web site; it’s all there. RANGE received a second consecutive Freedom of the Press Award on September 20.

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