BLM Reversal: Hammond cattle needed to stem fire danger

BLM Reversal: Hammond cattle needed to stem fire danger

Greg Henderson, as originally published by DROVERS

BLM Now Hopes Hammond’s Cattle Can Reduce Fire Risk

Steven Hammond (second from left) and Dwight Hammond (fourth from left), were pardoned by President Trump last year and their grazing permits restored early this year. ( Courtesy of the Hammond family )

In a most ironic twist in a western saga that has featured more than a few twists, the Bureau of Land Management hopes cattle from Dwight and Steven Hammond – ranchers the U.S. government prosecuted for starting range fires – can reduce a fire risk on the high desert of eastern Oregon.

The Hammond’s long-running dispute with the federal government ended with prison sentences for arson — and later inspired the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge occupation. President Trump pardoned the Hammonds in July of last year.

On January 2, 2019, former Interior Secretary Ryan K. Zinke ordered the renewal of a 10-year grazing permit for Hammond Ranches Inc., run by the elder Hammond and his son Steve.

Earlier this month, part of the Hammond’s grazing allotment was deemed a fire hazard by the BLM – due to the fact the land has not been grazed for five years. The absence of grazing was due, of course, to the fact the Hammonds were in jail and their grazing permits had been revoked.

On April 9, the BLM released a new environmental assessment for grazing on the Hammond Allotment, one of the largest of several the family uses in the high desert of eastern Oregon, where rolling hills are broken by rocky outcroppings. The BLM notes cattle have not grazed the land for five years because the ranchers’ permits weren’t renewed in 2014.

The wildfire risk has neighbors concerned, many of whom have sent letters to the BLM. Since the 5,800-acre Hammond Allotment has been vacant, the BLM said in its proposal that crested wheatgrass is now a “standing biomass that has reduced the health and vigor of the stand. The standing biomass has also created additional risk of wildfire spread because of the amount and distribution of cured fine fuel.”

You can see the full article here

4 thoughts on “BLM Reversal: Hammond cattle needed to stem fire danger

  1. It’s pretty much financially very irresponsible to fund livestock to graze these on again Off again deals.

    And the feds IE blm, forest service, etc have proven time and time again to be irresponsible land lords.

    I figure the govt should PAY the ranchers to bring livestock to graze.

    Fact, it’s grazing that improves land.
    Soo that is a service that needs paid for.

  2. Graze it, Log it, Use Low Level Winter Burns to keep understory clean.

    Land is Better when Used.

    The govt needs to get Out of owning so much land.

    Have weekly land lottos.

    Get that dirt in private hands.

  3. “Hello! I’m from the Government & I’m here to help”…!?!?!! When will they learn to let “The Boots on the Ground”, local folks deal with local issues; those who got The Boots & Know the Ground.

  4. Be careful of a set-up. One of the “damned if you do and damned if you don’t” situations. It is now a leasing allotment in Mr. Hammond’s name, so if it burns, it’s his fault. If he grazes it and it burns, it’s his fault. So, just be very careful.

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