Texas border farmers and ranchers call for Biden to pay for destruction caused by illegals

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Texas border farmers and ranchers call for Biden to pay for destruction caused by illegals

“…the fever tick is another problem caused by illegal immigration, because some of the migrants unknowingly carry the tick, which then gets dropped onto the properties they trespass on.”

Fed-Up Farmers Say Enough, Demand Biden Pay for Property Damage Done by Illegal Aliens

By Jacob Gurney for Western Journal

Texas farmers are upset with the nation’s current lack of border security — and they’re asking the White House to pay for damages caused by its reckless immigration stance.

According to the New York Post, farmers in Texas have had to pay countless dollars to fix damage caused by human traffickers and the illegal immigrants who have come into the United States so far this year.

Some of the financial damages caused by illegal immigration come in the form of stolen vehicles, damaged crops and destroyed property, such as fences, which can cost anywhere from $1,000 to $4,000 to repair, the outlet reported.

Richard Guerra, a fourth-generation Texas rancher, told the New York Post that the fever tick is another problem caused by illegal immigration, because some of the migrants unknowingly carry the tick, which then gets dropped onto the properties they trespass on.

According to the Texas A&M University Department of Entomology, fever ticks carry pathogens that bring about “Texas Cattle Fever,” which can be a fatal disease. There is currently no medication or vaccine that can control or prevent the disease, and the presence of fever ticks will force landowners to quarantine and eliminate the ticks, the website states.

Guerra said it is expensive to eliminate an outbreak of fever ticks. In fact, it can cost up to $400 an hour to hire helicopters to spray for them, he said.

It is easy to understand the farmers’ frustration with how the Biden administration has handled the issue of immigration during its brief tenure. While President Joe Biden and other officials have made lazy attempts at portraying how we do not have an “open border,” the truth of the matter is that illegal immigration has been an ongoing problem for this administration.

The Washington Post reported border agents apprehended about 172,000 illegal immigrants along the U.S.-Mexico border in March, with comparable figures for April. These were the highest numbers in nearly two decades, the outlet reported.

However, in April, Immigration and Customs Enforcement only deported 2,962 illegal immigrants, which was the lowest monthly amount ever reported, according to The Washington Post.

In other words, at a time when our country was seeing a record-high number of illegal border crossings and migrants taken into custody, the number of deportations by ICE was at an all-time low.

This is the Biden administration’s immigration policy. Again, one can understand why the farmers are furious.

There may be some hope for those struggling along the border, as America’s largest farmers organization has been working to recover money that its members have lost, according to the New York Post.

Read the full report on Western Journal by clicking here


2 thoughts on “Texas border farmers and ranchers call for Biden to pay for destruction caused by illegals

  1. It’s possible to basically finish the annexation of Mexico.
    Just takes some PR, some Joint Venture business and legal moves…. Heck just clean em up and rock on.

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