SCOTUS refuses to hear LaVoy Finicum wrongful death case

LaVoy Finicum was murdered by federal agents on January 26, 2016

SCOTUS refuses to hear LaVoy Finicum wrongful death case

From a public statement issued by Jeanette Finicum, widow of LaVoy Finicum


The Supreme Court did not take up our case.

Which means our journey through the court system has come to an end. Although we haven’t seen justice for LaVoy’s murder in this life, we know there will be justice in the next life.

As LaVoy quoted often,

“The fight for freedom is God’s fight… When a man stands for freedom, he stands with God. And as long as he stands for freedom he stands with God. And were he to stand alone he would still stand with God…Any man will be eternally vindicated and rewarded for his stand for freedom.” Ezra Taft Benson

I can’t believe that we are approaching the 8th anniversary of his murder. Still at times, it feels like yesterday. For those of us left behind, life continues on, whether we wanted it to or not. The process of grief is traveled very uniquely and has no time limit place on it. It repeats itself over and over again until you come to a place of peace, remembering only the love and wonderful times you shared together. I know many of you know what I mean and have experienced the same. Thank you for being there for me and my children throughout our continued process.

SCOTUS refuses to hear LaVoy Finicum wrongful death case
Screenshot of the moment before LaVoy Finicum was shot dead

We have decided to keep the website up for now. LaVoy did start it himself when he published his book and hoped to share his book and feelings there regularly. We will strive to do that also. There are many items left over from our journey here on our website.  If you are interested, we have reduced the price to cost, and it will remain so until those items are sold. We have also reduced the price of his book for the holidays so you can share with others his story and warning of preparedness. Also, he started another book years ago. I found it in a brief case all handwritten out. I am still in the process of transcribing and hope to be showcasing it here on our website when it is finished.

During this time of Thanksgiving, our family would like to thank all those who have helped us through these past years. Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you for your support emotionally and financially.  Thank you for your love and kindness. We could NOT have gone this far without your love and support.  Many of you are now like family to us and we too love you all so very much. We pray that you are all well and encircled by those whom you love every day. May there be peace throughout the world.  May we continue to love and care for one another.

May God Bless each of you!

With much love and eternal gratitude,

Jeanette Finicum

To support the Finicum family, please visit the One Cowboy Stand for Freedom website

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SCOTUS refuses to hear LaVoy Finicum wrongful death case