Kentucky's "protected" vultures are eating animals alive, yet farmers need a permit to kill them

Kentucky’s “protected” vultures are eating animals alive, yet farmers need a permit to kill them

Black vultures are roosting in Kentucky and eating animals alive

Sarah Ladd

Louisville Courier Journal

They’ll devour slimy newborn calves, full-grown ewes and lambs alive by pecking them to death.

First the eyes, then the tongue, then every last shred of flesh. 

And there isn’t much defense against black vultures and turkey vultures, both of which are federally protected and cannot be killed without a permit. 

The Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 covers all migratory birds, their nests and their eggs, which means that the birds can’t be harmed without federal permission. Their nests can only be disrupted, as a deterrent, if there are no eggs or young in them. 

But as the vultures, which are native to Kentucky, have multiplied in numbers nationally over the last two decades, they have become more of a problem for farmers. Each year, Kentucky farmers lose around $300,000 to $500,000 worth of livestock to these native vultures, according to Joe Cain, commodity division director for the Kentucky Farm Bureau. 

It’s not just farm animals. Small pets may be at risk too.

The birds can be valuable contributors to the ecosystem, disposing cleanly of animal carcasses. But their increased numbers have made them more desperate for food in other forms — even alive. 

See the full article here

2 thoughts on “Kentucky’s “protected” vultures are eating animals alive, yet farmers need a permit to kill them

  1. Is it politically incorrect to simply Be Carefull and SSS with the problem critters?

  2. Why are there NO videos showing them KILLING? The are scavengers and do not normally KILL anything. Only clean p what is already dead. Show me video of them killing and I will believe this story.

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