Forest Service takes grazing permit from rancher who killed wolf on his allotment

A Mexican gray wolf.

Forest Service takes grazing permit from rancher who killed wolf on his allotment

Rancher’s Grazing Permit Revoked After Wolf Kill

By Greg Henderson as originally published in DROVERS

The U.S. Forest Service has revoked the grazing permit of New Mexico rancher Craig Thiessen. Thiessen plead guilty in May to intentionally trapping and bludgeoning an endangered Mexican wolf with a shovel on public lands in 2015.

Grazing regulations authorize the agency to revoke the permit of any permittee who is convicted of failing to comply with federal laws relating to the protection of wildlife, including, in this case, the Endangered Species Act.

The Datil rancher held the permit for an allotment near Reserve on the Gila National Forest.

In a letter to congressional representatives, U.S. Forest Service regional director Marie Therese Sebrechts said, “We will offer other ranchers the grazing opportunity on the allotment once the administrative process is completed.”

The events began in February 2015, when Thiessen trapped the 10-month-old male wolf on his Gila National Forest grazing allotment. Thiessen admitted he hit the wolf with a shovel, but disputed killing it in an interview with the Santa Fe New Mexican.

Upon the guilty plea, Thiessen was sentenced to one year of unsupervised probation and ordered to pay the wolf recovery program $2,300.

Read the full story here

Forest Service takes grazing permit from rancher who killed wolf on his allotment

3 thoughts on “Forest Service takes grazing permit from rancher who killed wolf on his allotment

  1. This is the exact problem of “Big Brother ” Having too much power! This is a bunch of crap that must have been set in front of a liberal judge that has 0 common sense. I would love to sit down with the director and the people over the protection of the Wolf to see how ignorant they really are!
    I think John Wayne said it best you can’t fix stupid!!!

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