It took ONE(1) major “gun” incident (Port Arthur) to cause the Aussies to “GO SHELL” & relinquish their gun rights ; N.Z. took ONE incident to “loose” theirs. The U.S. has had MANY incidents (Columbine…Las Vegas… yada yada…). Our SECOND AMENDMENT GUARANTEES the our FIRST AMENDMENT: OUR RIGHTS TO FREE SPEECH. Beware of governments who make promises…. they lie.Dcfrate2
It took ONE(1) major “gun” incident (Port Arthur) to cause the Aussies to “GO SHELL” & relinquish their gun rights ; N.Z. took ONE incident to “loose” theirs. The U.S. has had MANY incidents (Columbine…Las Vegas… yada yada…). Our SECOND AMENDMENT GUARANTEES the our FIRST AMENDMENT: OUR RIGHTS TO FREE SPEECH. Beware of governments who make promises…. they lie.Dcfrate2