American Policy Center touts RANGE magazine as “Voice of the American West”


American Policy Center touts RANGE magazine as "Voice of the American West"

In an email to supporters, the American Policy Center, a “nonprofit, 501 c (4), tax-exempt grassroots action and education foundation dedicated to the promotion of free enterprise and limited government regulations over commerce and individuals,” recently honored RANGE magazine with the following praise:


I want to introduce to you a very special tool in the fight for freedom – RANGE magazine! 

RANGE is the voice of the American West. For over 26 years RANGE has told the story of the American cowboy. It’s the story of the people who feed and help clothe us.  

Through stunning photographs the reader gets to see, feel, and appreciate a lifestyle that has been the very root of American independence and freedom. Through articles written by the very people who live it, the reader learns why life on the range is so very special.  As a result, RANGE magazine has won a ton of journalism awards. 

American Policy Center touts RANGE magazine as "Voice of the American West"

In recent years, of course, those living on the range have become a target of government through radical environmental rules and regulations to control the land and how it’s used.  

As such tyranny grew, of course, RANGE magazine had to report the truth, revealing the true purpose of such threats and the perpetrators behind them. CJ Hadley, the founder and editor of RANGE is passionate about America’s West and fights every day to preserve it. 

So her courageous publication took on those behind the growing tyranny in article after article. RANGE has defended property rights, revealed government overreach, and attacked the damaging policies of climate change, and environmental rules that controlled land and water use, the roots of destructive forest policy, and much more.

Of course, as a result of such straight talk RANGE itself has become a target as it’s called “the shill of industrial polluters.” You see, that’s what the Sustainablists always charge when someone uses facts and commons sense against their Chicken Little scare tactics.  

Those attacks have hurt as RANGE has been painted to be too radical and over the top. 

You and I know that RANGE is telling the truth. But we need to keep this incredible magazine coming, issue after issue. If not, the voice of the American West and those who live it will be silenced and destroyed for ever.     

That’s why I promised CJ Hadley that I would stand with her by telling my most loyal and dedicated activists (YOU) about RANGE and encourage you to become a subscriber to its 4 quarterly issues published each year. 

CJ was grateful and gave me this offer just for APC supporters. The regular annual subscription price for 4 issues is $19.95. That’s inexpensive enough. But CJ wanted to do more. So she said for any APC supporter that subscribes she will knock off an additional 20%. That means you can get this beautiful, courageous magazine for just $16 a year!  

American Policy Center touts RANGE magazine as "Voice of the American West"

Here are two ways you can subscribe.  

1. Call the RANGE office at 1-800-726-4348 and order over the phone. Or 

2. Send your check or credit card info to RANGE magazine, P.O. Box 639, Carson City, Nevada 89702 

I sure hope you will do this today! We need to keep RANGE publishing. And by subscribing you will gain a huge new appreciation for the incredible independence of our American cowboys. By the way, I’ll have an article in the upcoming issue!

Yours in Liberty, 

Tom DeWeese


See more from the American Policy Center here

Ton DeWeese is a prolific researcher, writer and contributor to RANGE magazine. His reports have tackled controversial issues such as radical environmentalism, the “global warming” hoax, conservation easements, and Agenda 21. You can view his past reports by visiting and searching “Tom DeWeese.”


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